The John Marcello Beacon of Light Award

…there are no such things as individual accomplishments. Accomplishments are the result of synergy between many individuals.
— John Marcello

In the pursuit of accomplishing goals and doing great work we do so with guidance, mentorship, help from others, but individuals can and do accomplish great things when they say yes to that greater calling to go beyond the mere ordinary to the extraordinary.

The John Marcello Beacon of Light Award, the first-ever Arizona Environmental Health Association Award, was named after and first awarded to the distinguished and extraordinary John Marcello in 2024 for his inestimable lifetime service to the Environmental Health profession.

“Meaning and purpose are two intangibles that are sometimes not actively sought or are sought but found wanting because they lack substance. So how do people find it? And not just the intangible but the one that manifests into the tangible – in how we conduct ourselves with integrity, strive to make a difference, and lead others toward the good. It’s people like you, John, who lead, inspire, and promote personal and professional excellence. You have instilled meaning and purpose into all the individuals you’ve spent time with, either individually or in large groups.

You are a leader among leaders, an example to aspire to be like for those you are leaving the profession to. That’s not an easy thing to do, and you’ve made it look effortless—although I know you’ve worked doggedly to achieve that, and we greatly appreciate your effort and commitment.

Thank you, John Marcello, for leading us.

Past Winners

2024 | John Marcello

The slogan, “Sanitarians—the Beacon Light of Public Health,” was adopted in 1932 before the national association was created. The National Association of Sanitarians Lighthouse logo and slogan are reproduced with express permission from the National Environmental Health Association and Executive Director/CEO Dr. David Dyjack. (