To become a member of the Arizona Environmental Health Association, please choose the following membership category that applies to you. Membership is valid for one membership year, which runs from January 1st - December 31st.

Benefits include:

  • voting privileges, to determine AZEHA’s future activities and priorities

  • discounts on AZEHA-sponsored activities and conferences

  • access to a curated job board and continuing education resources (coming soon!)

Active Member

January 1 - December 31

Open to any individual

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Student Member

January 1 - December 31

Available to any individual who can demonstrate that they are enrolled at an accredited educational institution on at least a half-time basis and are engaged in a course of study directly relating to environmental health and/or food safety.

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An honorary/emeritus membership is also available and awarded without charge, in cases where an individual has demonstrated sustained excellence in the service of the environmental health profession. An honorary membership can only be conferred by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.