![[CONFERENCE] 125th AFDO Annual Educational Conference (Virtual)](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5da8e21776925f55ee9d04c2/1620697808542-FHD53L1C4V24I7KVW8ZR/afdo-logo-edgeless.png)
[CONFERENCE] 125th AFDO Annual Educational Conference (Virtual)
Event Details
Though hosted as a virtual conference during the COVID-19 pandemic, the conference partners with different regional Association of Food and Drug Officials (AFDO) affiliates to present this learning experience in a different large metropolitan area each year. For five days each June when meeting in person, the AFDO AEC is center of the food and medical product safety world for five days for professionals from government, states, academia, consumer groups and manufacturing.
Subject matter experts convene for the annual education conference willing to share their knowledge. Dozens, yes dozens, of national and international experts are available on more than 40 topics in the food safety and medical products arena.
AFDO also hosts pre-conference in depth workshops and training opportunities on a broad number of topics adjacent to the annual conference. A special first-time attendees session and communications help newcomers make the most of their conference experience.
CE Credit: According to the AFDO website, more information will be coming soon. CE credits expected.
Register at the Association of Food and Drug Officials’ website
![[CONFERENCE] 2021 Virtual Private Well Conference](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5da8e21776925f55ee9d04c2/1620697751385-CN4R1XMD9XO88SXQSE5H/Privatewellconference.png)
[CONFERENCE] 2021 Virtual Private Well Conference
Event Details
This virtual conference is geared towards private well professionals, including health department staff, laboratory personnel, cooperative extension educators, well drillers, environmental health professionals, researchers, and other private well stakeholders.
CE Credit: According to the registration page, certificates will be provided upon request to those who attend all 3 days of the virtual conference. Twelve hours of CE credit pre-approval will be requested from NEHA and Illinois.
Register for free here.
More information can be found on the NEHA website, including the draft agenda.
![[CONFERENCE] Conference for Food Protection 2020 Biennial Meeting](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5da8e21776925f55ee9d04c2/1574575241230-QRQEEJR3PJHF7AQQ8T0B/cfp-logo.png)
[CONFERENCE] Conference for Food Protection 2020 Biennial Meeting
Location: Grand Hyatt Hotel; Denver, CO
Event Details
The CFP provides individuals a voice in the food safety standards development process in several ways. First, CFP members can join Standing Committees of the Conference and Council Committees that are formed to continue discussion on an Issue deliberated at a biennial meeting of the CFP. Second, Issues for Conference deliberation may be submitted by anyone who has an interest in or concern about food safety. Third, CFP members can volunteer to become a member of one of the three Councils that deliberate Issues related to Laws and Regulations; Administration, Education and Certification; and Science and Technology at the biennial meeting.
Register at the Conference for Food Protection.
The Conference is managed by an Executive Board that includes 23 voting members who represent: State food regulatory agencies from each of the CFP regions; local food regulatory agencies from each of the CFP regions; the FDA; USDA/FSIS; US CDC, the food industry; academia; and consumers.